I believe...

… that with the right tools and a strong desire to learn how to use them, you can build whatever dream your heart is set on.

Coaching Philosophy

Have you ever known the feeling of trying something new, pulling it off, and celebrating a little success? Especially if you didn’t think you could do it? How invigorating that moment felt? This feeling can light a fire in us that instantly makes us crave for more. So, we enthusiastically do it over and over again with genuine joy …until all of a sudden, we hit a road block.

This phenomenon is particularly common when it comes to “healthy” lifestyle habits. There are three particularly striking reasons why this phenomenon occurs: The lack of a specific goal, excessive demands with the resulting despair, or the development of a routine with the associated lack of new challenges. Fortunately, all three of these reasons have the same cause that is responsible for quitting: The lack of success to celebrate.

We all love, need, and deserve to win. If our work pays off, and we can celebrate small successes regularly, we reduce the likelihood of quitting significantly. Thus, to feed our initial enthusiasm and to integrate changes into our everyday life, we need an approach that focuses on clear objectives, has a healthy balance, and that offers the opportunity for continuous success.

I will empower you with these tools, solutions with an approach that doesn´t overwhelm you, doesn’t make it boring, that’s just right and permits you to work at your own pace, getting closer to your desired goal every day. My system guarantees small wins on a daily basis, which gradually lead to an overall success by finally attaining the permanent changes you have always dreamed of.

To make a change, reach your goal, fulfill your dream, you have to work on your range of abilities. There is a gap, a gap in skills, between where you want to go and where you are now. To become capable to perform at your desired level, you have to pursue the skills you need to acquire to get where you want to go. Therefore, your focus has to be on pushing yourself getting better every single day. For this purpose, my coaching philosophy focuses on three reliable and straightforward components. When you invest the time and effort, I make the process as simple, effective, and as fun as possible.

All the best,

Three Components Of Success

Get Knowledge

Get Knowledge

I am convinced that in order to have lasting fun and interest in something, you need to understand what you are doing and why you are doing it. It is not enough just to be told to do this and that, shut up and dance. In the short term, of course, this tactic can work.

But if we look at the long-term success rate, it looks rather ugly. Instead, I want you to understand how to do it, and why it works the way it works. At best, you will develop a curiosity that drives you to expand your knowledge even further.

You´ll gain new in-depth expert knowledge that is simply put, to the point, and explained step by step. Of course, conveyed in an entertaining way, with a lot of passion and enthusiasm.

Take Action

What does all the theoretical knowledge bring to the world if it´s not applied in practice? Right, theoretical change. But if you want to change your reality, you have to take action.

To ensure you that time is not wasted, after you attained the knowledge, we head straight to practical implementation by executing the newly learned insight. With further guidance, you get the opportunity to walk your talk by getting one step closer to your desired goals.

You´ll apply your newly attained knowledge immediately. First in the course within the practical part, then with further guidance throughout the day.
Keep Up Motivation

Keep Up Motivation

You need a certain level of motivation to be willing to invest in the necessary work. Ideally, this motivation comes from your goal. It gives you the inner strength that no matter what happens, you will do anything in your power to maintain your focus and your drive.

In the beginning, this inner motivation is often superabundant. But the art is to preserve it. The challenge is not losing sight of your destination and also enjoying the journey there. Therefore, you have to ensure that you know exactly what you want, why you want it, and why it´s not even possible that you won´t reach your goal.

In addition, I will make every day an experience with new doable challenges and the many resulting promised wins that you will celebrate, to keep your motivation at an unprecedented level, permanently.

You´ll get inspired day by day, feel challenged, but entirely capable, and you´ll understand how to stay motivated in the long-run. You will finally pull it off and show the world that you can do anything you ever wanted.

The Path To Success

Step One:


The path to making lasting changes in your life starts with a simple word: WHY. If you´re pursuing a certain goal and looking for a way to change, it is usually for a specific reason. This reason is your WHY.

Your WHY is mostly related to something you want, something you don’t want, or even both. If you want to get in shape maybe it´s because you want to look stunning at the beach or fit in your favorite dress or suit for a wedding. Maybe you no longer want to look at the scale and be constantly disappointed. Maybe it´s both. Whatever the reason is, you have to ask yourself “WHY do I want to make this change?”

When your WHY becomes strong enough, the potential benefits of making change begins to justify the cost to invest. Your WHY is your foundation to start your journey and when it is powerful enough it will support and motivate you all the way to your destination.

Equipped with a strong WHY, the next step is to find a way to make the change happen. This preparatory phase is about collecting various pieces of information. During this process, you are more concerned with your WHY, you may develop a concrete plan or find a solution on how to achieve your goal.

You might start making smaller changes to prepare yourself for the greater leap. It´s crucial that you accept that it is on you to satisfy your WHY, that no one else can do it for you, and that you have to take intentional action to make a change.

Step Two:


Step Three:


You did it! You took the leap. Your WHY was incentive enough to lead you on the path to achieve your goals and make a change. Now it is particularly important to reassure yourself that you are doing the right thing. Be proud of yourself, congratulate and reward yourself for all the positive steps you have taken.

If you have paid enough attention to the previous steps and your WHY is solid, it will be easier for you to be consistent. Nevertheless, it helps to seek confirmation and support from those around you to maintain your initial euphoria. Besides, you should regularly take stock and review your WHY, resources, and progress to revitalize your commitment and trust in your abilities.

Now it’s time to stay tuned and aware. This phase is about avoiding temptations and successfully staying away from former behaviors. More precicesly, it’s about shifting old bad habits to positive new ones and keeping them. The focus here is on developing simple coping strategies for temptations and replacing old habits with more positive actions.

You´ll become more aware of the fact that changes are rarely easy. They occur gradually and relapses may at time be a part of the process. It often takes a while to let go of old behavior patterns. If you stumble along the way, don’t be too hard on yourself or give up. Instead, remind yourself of how much progress you have made and consider it a minor setback.

Turn it around and reward yourself when you are able to successfully avoid a relapse. Those rewards will reinforce your determination that what you are striving for is personally valuable and meaningful. You´ll become more patient with yourself and confident that you´ll be able to continue on your path to your best life.

Step Four:


Step Five:


Congratulations, it´s time to make your “new you” just “you.” You notice that your change has solidified if you suddenly feel comfortable in situations that were previously guaranteed to have caused a relapse.

Through the process of change your willpower has managed to replace old bad habits with positive new ones. Your new status quo is “now”, after your change, which means that from now on you no longer need to make a special effort to live as you imagined. It just feels normal to you. Nevertheless, you have to keep your guard up.

Change means staying vigilant, even if the probability becomes less and less over time, you have to be careful not to fall back into old habits. To guarantee this, the best way is to adopt a balanced lifestyle that will make you happy over time. But for now, be proud of your new self, you persevered, managed to satisfy your WHY, and achieved your goal!

A Balanced Lifestyle
& The 7 'BEST LIFE' Areas

Why are you reading this? What motivates you? Do you just want to improve your life a bit? Or do you have unfulfilled dreams and goals? If you haven’t started working towards these yet, what has kept you from doing so? A lack of ambition or motivation? Wrong priorities? Do you lack energy and time after work?

Whatever the reason might be, engaging in a balanced lifestyle can be your golden ticket to achieving exactly what you desire. By considering all areas of your life and finding your own unique life balance, you can take yourself physically and mentally to a whole new level.

This way of life finally equips you with the energy and self-confidence you need to take on your journey to success. Empowered with a healthy body and positive mindset, you get closer and closer to living a happy, rich, and fulfilling life. In short, this philosophy shows you exactly how to live your ‘BEST LIFE.’

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